Red eyes
Red Eyes are one of the most common types of urgent eye issues that we encounter, but also one of the most misunderstood eye issues. Not all red eyes are created equal. The most common causes of red eyes are viruses, bacteria, and allergy. It is very difficult to properly diagnose and properly treat red eyes without the aide of a slit lamp microscope. If you have a red eye, please give us a call. Don’t go to E-care or even to your primary care physician or pediatrician. They truly don’t have the equipment or expertise to properly diagnose and treat most red eyes.
Foreign Body/Corneal Abrasion
The same holds true if you happen to get something in your eye that you can’t remove yourself. We call this a Foreign Body. With the aid of our slit lamp microscope, we can determine if you actually do have a foreign body (often times it’s a Corneal Abrasion instead), remove it, and determine the best course of action to get you immediate relief.
Flashes and Floaters
If you suddenly begin to see Flashes of light in your peripheral vision or small black spots in your vision (Floaters), it could be a sign that there is a hole or a tear in your retina or even worse a Retinal Detachment. A dilated eye exam needs to be performed to help with diagnosis. Patients who call with these symptoms are typically seen same day, so please give us a call and we’d be happy to get you on our schedule.
Sudden Loss of Vision
If you suddenly, spontaneously lose central or peripheral vision, you should have an eye health check as soon as possible. Even if your vision returns to normal, this can be sign of impending stroke, extremely high blood pressure, or other systemic health issues that need immediate attention. Dr. Newberry will help determine the best course of action and educate you fully on next steps. Please call today.